Thursday, June 16, 2011

Expanding my horizons?

I decided to finally sit down and make a blog. Maybe it is my ego saying that more people would like to hear what I have to say. Maybe it is a chance to let people DVR me so they don't have to have me bothering then while they try to find out who got voted off Dancing with the American Idols on Survivor Island. Maybe it is a desperate attempt to not let Mark Zuckerberg control my entire digital social existence.

Whatever the reason, I am going to let people get a glimpse into my mind and see what kind of crazy clockwork mechanisms are going on in there. Speaking of which, I am a fan of complicated watches and really love the newer designs like below where they show the actual movements inside. The inside of my head is probably like this watch - lots of gears spinning every which direction, some moving fast, some so slow you can't tell which way they are going, but everything always in motion at some level.

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